January 10, 2012

I used to be a Normal Student like you...

Then I took a 9GAG to the head.
(This post isn't actually about 9GAG)

Sometimes wanting to be not alone will result in being more alone than before.
To all future Student Researchers:
1. If you can be happy alone (e.g. pass, submit, have fun), choose to be alone.
2. If you had a fail project, which you think failed because of fail group mates, don't get group mates this year.
3. Tell your heart to love when it is ready, not when it is lonely.
4. If you weren't able to do number 3, just stick with it, it will work out.
5. If you did number 2 / 4 and it didn't work out, be sad for awhile, then leave it all behind. Walk away with a smile on your face because you learned one way how not to do it.
6. Get a topic you love.
7. Get people you love more than anyone.
8. Don't be dependent on other people.
9. Communicate often, VERY OFTEN.
10. Consider everything about someone before picking them.
11. Be ready to spend some cash.
12. Remember important dates.
13. Don't forget important dates.
14. Don't be afraid of reminding others of important dates.
15. Don't cram. If you can do something early, do it early.
16. Don't wait for the last minute / perfect opportunity, just do it.
17. Think, think, think, and think again. Then... think again.
18. Think AGAIN.
19. If you're having doubts, there are reasons why; think of these reasons, and how to make them (and eventually, the doubt) go away.
20. Prioritize. Play later.
21. Get your hands out of the cookie jar :))

If I think of anything else I'll post but just this for now.
If this were an Angry Birds level I'd say I've hit all targets.