June 28, 2013


With: Family and Friends, Academics, Personal Enjoyment.
Without: Sleep T-T

//Also possible choices, Love Life and Looks. And maybe Money? But I'm not particularly concerned about these.
//I can't have it all... atleast, not yet.


Chocolate is sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter. Sometimes white, sometimes dark. Chocolate is something you'd give to someone you love.

At the end of the day, or any time of the day actually, you can just think to yourself...

Chocolate is amazing.

//Chocolate could be replaced with Life or Love, I think.
//I wonder what other things you can describe like chocolate...

June 26, 2013

Teacher, Instructor?

Some professors are teachers. Some are instructors. How different is an instructor from a teacher really?

I just hope at the end of the day my teachers will remember me fondly. I think I'll remember them too. I really like getting to know a teacher I think. Maybe especially because it lessens the chance to be scolded for being slightly noisy during class. Plus, I think I give those teachers more respect. For me, kindness is repaid with respect. Authority, yeah sure, respect. But yeah kindness, respect.

//For once, I was able to study. Just a bit more reviewing tomorrow and I'll be good to go. Maybe I should read some Art Studies before I sleep. Maybe.

I'm not feeling the creative juices flowing.

I just better start studying / reviewing. Maybe more studying. grar

June 25, 2013

Nostalgia, Pastiche.

That's what's up with all these movie remakes and stuff. Well that's what my Art Studies professor believes.

Nostalgia seems like a pretty accurate reason. It seems it and pastiche is really what affects what humans want / like in life. It's kinda creepy. Your memory is either better or worse than the actual memory itself. That's why you remember it. Pastiche... I guess I need more real-life experience with that but yeah Zombie Movies are cool :))

//Not much of a post, possibly a reminder of some sort. For future reference maybe?

June 24, 2013

Why am I still awake? o.o



//Holy crap that's selfish. That's amazing. That's wow. That's sure-ist? :))
//You know, if I were offline right now I needn't be concerned with such trivial things. Wait... nevermind. I forgot notifications are well... damn. :))
//DOUBLE POST + TRIPLE EDITS?! IMBA. GO TO SLEEP. < Art thou feeling it now Mr. Krabs?

Now I regret not making a serious world-changing research.

Damn :)) The chance to have met people who think like you and who could possibly understand you.
Just, um, damn :)) I needn't have been stuck in limbo. Wow. Just wow.
She's just A+ wow. Name-wise I think :))

There, that should be pretty vague yet oddly familiar some how.

So much possibility.

Meh. Not too late... maybe.

Screw that plan though. 'Tis be a fleeting moment.

For the record I didn't even complete my research so world-changing research, or at the very least, show-worthy research might have been really out of my reach.

And it's tomorrow. Someone make sure I sleep before tomorrow comes starting tomorrow... er... today? ktnxbai.