November 29, 2012

Sometimes all it takes is a finger to point directions

Just a general direction. The direction you were already going. Just to reassure you. I am unsure. I have always been. There are times when I act unlike this but I've always been unsure. It's just sometimes I have to have a facade. Not for them, maybe for them, but mostly for me. It's what I keep telling myself. But that finger pointing really got my drive back to what I want to achieve.

Thanks W-man (because tentatively "Wingman" might not be the appropriate title anymore)

November 28, 2012

I guess the world is clear with this one.

Finalists. Just finalists left. I thought I made a decision but yeah hm... location is definitely a factor. Time, effort. Luck most importantly.

I should just go back to writing my Chem report. Hm... maybe I should pursue my second degree in Chem so it's close-ish to Bio. *shrugs*

That night is no longer young. In fact... the day's pretty young now :))

November 27, 2012

She stares into your soul.**

Spent my Monday just trying to get my phone to be faster. Honestly I think my previous phone was faster even if it wasn't an android phone. Then again I've only spent a day on this one so I guess it'll have the year to prove itself. I hope it gets better because it can't play most apps o.o I can't even Fruit Ninja :< atleast I can watch videos now and read pdfs! And browse the net better and play songs better(?)

Hm... It's like I can't believe it. Seriously. I need to do something because I really want to now. I really want to do something. And I want to succeed even more so. Haha. Weird segue right? Kinda hiding the last few bits of sentences here :))

I want so badly. I think I can get. So I will try for. Wish me well. Thanks.

EDIT: What the o.o one view already? :))
++ Skyfall was awesome :D I wanna watch Wreck-It-Ralph and Silent Hill Revelations and the other Horror stuff coming out and Les Miserables!!! I have watched Looper and Breaking Dawn 2, too :D
//Just more random posting!

EDIT2: Her eyes. They sometimes don't agree but even then they're still beautiful. I wish I could've admired them even way way back. There's just something about her.

November 25, 2012

Routine Life: going through the motions

And that's why I hate weekends. Rather, I hate weekends because it has the lack of routine. I really like keeping to a schedule or hm... no not really... just something being normal. But not just going through the motions. Or is it worth going through the motions if there's always that one single motion that makes your heart jump? I love weekends because I can play. But I hate getting out of them because I have to start working. It's the work that's hard... it's the starting that's the problem. Like riding a bicycle, once you push off it's just easy. Albeit there may be some roadblocks or bad roads ahead, you'll be able to cruise through those.

And what was I talking about again? :))

Well whatever. I want a more free blog a blog I want can speak Filipino in but not this one because well... I just don't wanna. So yeah might new blog somewhere else.

But it's the starting to new blog that'll be hardest :))