March 21, 2013

Contemplating Time Travel.

If ever I do invent Time Travel... I actually would already have.

Future me would have realized that by going to this present to change things... well he has to because if he doesn't his past will be gone and my future will be different. But he doesn't actually realize this until he's back in the future. But the thing is, I've already realized it here in the present so future me doesn't need to back to this present to learn it.

If for whatever reason you time travel backwards, nothing will change because time has already accounted / been accounting for your actions for when you time traveled/ will time travel (I don't know what tense to use o.o)

The consequences of you time travelling has already been accounted for because you have time traveled it will have happened anyway.

So why time travel? Wait, have I just convinced you to NOT make a time machine? To NOT time travel? So wait... future you won't be going back in time anymore? Why is everything still the same? Get it now? Whether or not you go back in time, everything has happened precisely because you may or may not have time traveled to that specific point in time.

Oh, you lost your something? And it still isn't with you in the future? Time Travels. Retrieves it but it gets even more lost.
Oh, you lost your something? And it still isn't with you in the future? Doesn't time travel. Still lost.

If you did manage to get back your something due to time traveling, why isn't it with you now?

It's confusing really and it should probably be contemplated when you're not busy and want to be busy or over a few drinks with some friends.

The only way to change the past is to change the present because your present's future's past is your present's present present.

Perspective I suppose.

I need a diagram. + Relate this to gaming (actually I have, through the Life's just a game where you lose your lives / restart from a savepoint all the time. Of course you don't remember silly :P)

March 20, 2013

Neh! Neh! Neh!

Heh! Neh! Uehhh!

rr... Grrrr! Grrrr!

Raah! Raah! Raah!

I don't want to go back to school yet!

Please just let me rest already. I don't want to work anymore. Just for a long while please. *sigh*


But I am not. Therefore you can not.

I have to finish. So that you may.

I should finish now. So that you will.

But I can not. Not today.

JUST A BIT LONGER!!! (maybe more than a bit... like a byte... or a kilo or megabyte T-T)

LEZZDODIS! let me do this T-T

March 19, 2013

10 Things I Know to be True

1. I have Bio Lec at 7am on Tuesdays.
2. I have Bio Lab at 8:30 on Tuesdays.
3. My bed is a meter behind me as I'm typing this.
4. There are 2 piles of clothes on my bed right now.
5. I have to go to sleep now so I can wake up at 5:45.
6. Tomorrow is my Mom's birthday.
7. The only class I have tomorrow is my 1:15-2:15 Math 100 class.
8. I have to practice a Women's dance on Thursday.
9. I'm going to a friend's "debut" on Saturday.

And ten, I'm unconditionally, and irrevocably... in love with her :))

//Just realized that things I know to be true, may or may not be true,
but at the very least, true to me. I think that's the truth about that