November 24, 2011

"Mere Compliance"

It sucks to have that written down on my "family"'s paper. I blame this all one thing.

Hm... all the negativity is gone...

Thank you new phone. I will post about above when I remember.

-> A pt

November 23, 2011

Offering Escape from Reality

1.00 PhP for 900nF ceramic capacitor.

So that's what she meant. I finally understand what today offers as escapes from reality. Thank you GoSick, thanks for that momentary escape. I have to go back now, but I'll forever remember this.

First Anime Finished. WOOT!

Practice. Practice. Practice. BOOM John Lloyd

I really think I can improve my sports capabilities, be more athletic and stuff. I bet I could improve my frisbee throws and catches, my basketball shooting skills, softball batting skills, and in general running speed. I'd like to be able to catch all of the throws they throw to me and be able to make the frisbee go to who I want it to go to. I'd like to be able to sink all my 2 and 3 point shots, especially free throws. I'd like to be able to hit every softball, too high, too low, doesn't matter, just everyone of them that comes my way and send it far enough for my team to get two bases, atleast. I'd like to run faster too, because it's really important for a lot of sports, I'd like to be able to keep running like that for a longer while too.

But it's incredibly hard to practice, especially when there are people who are so much better than you present during practices. It feels so embarrassing not being able to catch, to throw, to shoot, to bat every single thing that comes your way. It sucks... it's this mentality that stops some people from ever moving up. Maybe people like me? I'd like to get better, I wouldn't mind working hard to get better, I just don't like the eyes watching. I just don't think people can see me as someone who can shoot or throw or bat. It's disheartening, but there's no other way. Plus practice with other people will bring in criticism, hopefully constructive, so that what you're doing wrong can be corrected immediately, because apparently, practice makes permanent.

How do I practice this?

Maybe start practicing alone, then when I get a bit average I practice with others. Yeah maybe that's a good solution. I'll try it, somehow.

Walk. Run. Fly.

November 20, 2011

Funny Story.

This post is just to remind me of a funny story I told my friend the other day... ahahaha. Yeah... Imma post an artistically challenged post about that funny story if and when it's all finished :))

But while I'm here, Imma post anyway... So here it goes... No really, I'm starting... Right... about... NOW... okay, NOW.

You can't help but feel good about other people's accomplishments, you know? It's just so nice that they've done what they've wanted to do and now they're progressing. Then you think, "what about me?" It's selfish, I know, but it's true. I do feel good about your developments, all your developments, (I'm referring to a bunch of people, got that?) so it kinda feels depressing that I did get farther, then I got zoned (If you know about this funny story, then yes BLANK-Zoned). It kinda sucks, maybe because of the fact that I kinda did get far. I've gotten farther than I could have ever dreamed and am still hoping I could get farther. But as it has been pointed out, this is the saturation point. No matter what else I do, I'll never get farther than this... It kinda sucks, I guess, it sucks a lot... but that's life, just gotta keep on moving... on.

(Meanwhile, On the other side of the Rainbow)

FEELER, FEELER, FEELER (this is part of the funny story that I must / will write)

(Back on the other, other side of the Rainbow)

It's been so long that I don't think I can just go. The last time I tried it ended up in disaster... Yeah... I don't wanna talk about that right now... or maybe ever. maybe someday? but you might never see it. might.

I really gotta go do something though, I still have to keep it up even though it probably HAS reached the point of saturation, but there is a way out of the Zone, yes out of the bad bad bad zone. I'll be one of the lucky ones...

Just wait. (You wait, cause I'm get out of this, just you wait.)