February 04, 2011

That was Fast.

I really didn't think it would be that easy, but I did it, I got over someone!

It can be done and I feel better, just in time for Prom. I really hope Prom will be fun, despite many not being excited for it (or atleast, not a lot of people are broadcasting their excitement). I hope it will be a night to remember and that we'll all enjoy it. I think this will be a good opportunity to learn how to dance or to learn how to not care while one is dancing. I'm really excited to see people in formal wear, so I'm going to go sleep now so I can wake up early and be excited some more!

I guess that's all for now. I don't really have anything much to say, so that really is all for now!

February 02, 2011

GameR(e)view One!

So like I said yesterday, I'll be reviewing a game today, and that game is called

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

When I was kid, I used to play this on the PlayStation 1. It was really fun for me. All the Jumping, and Spinning, and Running made a very fun game! Actually I played it again recently and I still love it :))

So you're Crash Bandicoot, a bandicoot, which is a marsupial, and Dr. Neo Cortex tells you he needs your help. You need to collect 25 crystals around the world and give it to him to save the world using the Warp room, appropriately called 'cause you can "warp" to different worlds using the portals found here.

The aim of the game is to find the a crystal in each level and then finish. They're placed roughly in the middle of a level and it's hard for you to miss them. There are enemies on each level that are themed to that level. When you're in a jungle, like the first level, your enemies are animals like armadillos, turtles (with spikes or saw blades), and small moles that chase after you. Note, enemies don't actually try to attack you, they're just obstacles placed there. Other obstacles include Pits, Explosives, and more Enemies! Also note, there are no such things as Hit Points in this game only Lives. So if you touch an armadillo or fall down a hole... instant death and you lose one life.

You're thinking, "One hit death?! You can't finish a game like that!" It's not impossible, but some levels ARE hard. Luckily Crash has some tricks up his sleeve, even though he doesn't have a shirt. Crash can Run, Jump, Spin, Crawl, Slide, and Body Slam. That's all you can do in this game, but that's really all you need to know. Like Mario, jumping (and spinning) on an enemy can kill it in one hit, or at least remove it from screen so you can pass. Jumping on most enemies tends to kill them, unless they have spikes or their back or something. Spinning also kills most enemies, unless they have spikes on their sides :)). It's all common sense, jump or spin, take your pick!

But what about regaining life you ask? There are boxes scattered throughout the level. Most boxes break when you jump or spin on them. When you break a box, you'll be able to collect the Wumpa Fruit inside. Collect 100 Wumpa Fruits and you gain an extra life. Sounds too tedious just for one life? There are boxes that contain Life only too, these are somewhat rarer than normal boxes with only Wumpa Fruit. Some Boxes are "Question Mark" boxes, which are like mystery boxes because you don't know if you'll get Wumpa Fruits or another Life. Levels are really long and dying will cause you to restart from the beginning, unless you break open a Checkpoint box. Checkpoints help you so that when you Explode 'cause you touched a TNT box or Nitro box, you restart from the most recent Checkpoint box opened. There are also boxes with a mask picture, this is Aku-Aku, and he'll be of great help. When you have Aku-Aku with you (he'll be floating around Crash's shoulder) and you're hit by an enemy, Aku-Aku takes the hit for you, and he is gone until you find another box. When you collect 2 Aku-Aku boxes you have see him golden and he can take 2 hits for you. When you collect 3... you go become invincible! (For a period of time) The music changes and it when it stops you are automatically no longer invincible. You wear Aku-Aku as a MASK and then you can start running through everything, boxes, enemies, and other obstacles. Beware though, Aku-Aku cannot save you dying due to falling in a hole. He's just a wooden mask, I don't think he can save you even if he CAN float around.

So that's the whole game! It may sound really boring but there ARE 25 crystals to collect. If you think this review is long, the game takes 20x longer to play than when you read this review, and that's just collecting the crystals. After every five crystals there are also bosses to be fought, not to hard nor too easy. You can also collect gems, most only require you to break every single box in a level to get it, some have you going through a mini level to get it or fulfilling special objectives!

The levels are very nice for an old game. There are about 10+ different themes that have different obstacles, backgrounds, and music. Some enemies are cute, but deadly, some are just deadly and some are just really awesome to look at! The trees or the machinery in the background really makes it look like a jungle or a spaceship. The music is also different for each theme, and the music will really catch your attention because sometimes you stop playing just to listen to the music. The sound effects are cool too! You'll often here Crash jumping and spinning, falling, exploding, and floating to heaven as an angel! Sounds from enemies are well made too. When they're jumped on they go "poof!" Yes, this game is very child friendly. No blood, no violence just enemies going poof or flying off-screen and Crash falling into holes (there are A LOT so you better watch out!)

The levels are also pretty punny (pun intended). Some level names tell you what level it is, Turtle Woods, Rock-It, or Crash Dash. Some are even more punny like Sewer or Later, UnBearable, Bee-Having. There's also one level called Hang Eight. Not Hang Ten because most animated characters only have four fingers on each hand, and Crash is no exception! (Sorry for ruining the joke, I didn't get it when I was much younger. I only got it when I was playing thorough the game a few months ago.)

I hoped you like this review, it's rather long so I'll try to shorten my reviews if ever I do this again (I hope I get to do this again!). Crash Bandicoot 2 is really cool, I really miss it especially when compared to the Crash games of today which strayed from what Crash Bandicoot is supposed to be, "Jumpin', Spinnin', Dyin' Amazin'!"

February 01, 2011

Osu made me post this.

I think I really like music. It doesn't matter what kind, if you can nod your head to the beat that's music. From old music, to new music, to raindrops, to keyboard key smashing, it's all so fun to hear. I guess they're not really all music, so I guess just sounds in general.

At night, I'm constantly thinking and reflecting and I hear different sounds during the night. Dogs barking, neighbors shouting, and cars passing by. And when there's a clock in the room, the "tick-tock"  of the clock is like my lullaby. At school, you hear all sorts of conversations. Sometimes about, Math Homework or Chem Long Tests, this someone and that someone, and unintelligible chatter. During class hours, besides hearing the teachers talking, you hear footsteps outside the classroom, the cheering or booing of the class next door, the secret conversations in the classrooms. Clock sounds are cool and so are footsteps. The sound of breathing is also relaxing.

In music, I don't really know what type I like. As long as it has a good beat it's probably music. I don't mind listening to different kinds of music. I do wish though, that I could have a record of each and every song lyric so I can sing along anytime. I know a lot of music but I don't bother learning who the artist is, or what the actual lyrics are, or even the title. I'm fond of the songs I grew up on like "Build me up Buttercup", songs by The Corrs, The Carpenters, Boy Band songs :)), Britney Spears, Spice Girls, Michael Jackson, there are a lot more :)). I also like the new ones, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, the new bands, and songs I don't know the titles to. By extension, I like rhythm games because of the new music I learn or old ones that I reminisce of. Elite Beat Agents, Guitar Hero, Rockband, and Osu come to mind.

Games also give cool background music. Music from the Pokemon, Phoenix Wright, and Professor Layton games are quite awesome. Final Fantasy Themes should also be noted. I love games, maybe I'll post about them tomorrow. But I play so many, maybe I should post about a game once in awhile. That might make me get better at making reviews (I've never tried much though) and Essay writing in general. Sounds like good practice.

January 31, 2011


I don't know what made me think of this post, but I guess this is probably a great time to post this. It's the last day of January and these first few posts will be lost in archives forever! (Unless you actually go and look up stuff in archives and that's not exactly the most productive fun thing to do.)

Because this is a blog I'm going to make it very anonymous. So for all intents and purposes let's call the next person I'm going to introduce, A. (and I'm M. See? It makes sense).

So A, is a really pretty girl. She's so pretty that I can never seem to muster up the courage to say hi. (or when I do it ends up a failure, like the next thing you're going to find out). A week ago, I asked her to go to Prom with me. Yes, I'm still in high school, although whoever is reading this blog (if any at all), already knows that. But since I'm trying to remain anonymous, YES, I am just a High Schooler. So, I go up to her and I ask her out of nowhere. Like seriously, on impulse, I ask her. So for awhile she ponders, "how do I say this gently?" Haha. Yes. I don't think she was contemplating whether to say Yes or No, she just didn't know how to say no. I don't exactly know her that I "could" ask her to prom as friend, so I didn't mind really (or did I?).

How I asked her WAS really pathetic. No flowers, no chocolates, no signs, no nothing. I went up to her with a paper rose I made that morning, and I asked her. I was supposed to ask the day after but that time, there weren't a lot of people around. And you know me, I don't like being judged, so I thought it was the perfect time to just "ask".

Apparently, I asked at a bad time or something (I didn't try to ask my friends there, what they were talking about before I asked her [Yes, I'm not a gossipy person]). I want to find out though what it was that made it a totally bad time, but I'm still too ashamed. No, I'm not a shamed of asking her. No, I'm not ashamed of getting that 'No'. I'm ashamed because I could have done better. Maybe I should have asked her the day after, or maybe I shouldn't have tried to ask at all. But the point is, I should have really put some effort into asking her. Now I feel bad not because "Oh, I went to all that trouble and all I got was a No...", I felt bad because "Wow, that was crap. I'm never going to show my face to her ever again."

So A, if you're reading this, (I hope you aren't, 'cause you'll probably judge me as someone who has no guts to say this to you in person [well actually anyone who's reading this would judge me that way]) I really am sorry. Not because I asked you, or maybe you feel bad because you said 'No', don't because that was really stupid, what I did (I'd say No to me too). I'm sorry I didn't do the best I could have done. And to all other readers out there (if I have any readers at all) don't judge A as a bad person. A probably is really nice. And she REALLY is very pretty.

January 30, 2011


I don't like the feeling that you're being watched all the time, they're always listing down what you're doing, because they're actually listing down things you did wrong. Then again it's probably just paranoia but I don't care, I'm blogging about it anyway. I was using my Y!m a few days ago and I had a stat that went something like this "How do you get good? You play right? But what if you don't want to look bad? Do you still play?". My friend saw it and she told me something like, "You will always be judged, it's how people work". Now that I think about it, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Being judged all the time probably means, you have to be the best you can be ALL THE TIME. I don't want to look bad doing something because I'm not yet good at it. She replied if you don't look bad the first few times, you'll look bad doing it forever.
She's probably right. Maybe I should just let myself go and do whatever, diving in head first, be a shoot first ask questions later kinda guy. But I can't, not yet. It's hard changing people, but I'm gonna try. Then again, I don't have a reputation yet so maybe I can still look bad and no one will remember me. But I don't want to be remembered as the guy who did that "bad" thing, and I think I know a few guys labeled something like that.

You (whoever YOU are) are probably thinking "what is this thing he won't do?" Don't worry it's nothing illegal :)). During the conversation with my friend we were talking about playing Ultimate Frisbee. I just didn't want to be the guy who's always dropping the frisbee and not being able to throw well. I'm also thinking maybe I should try dancing more. It looks really fun and I think its a good way of getting to know people.

Maybe I don't dislike being judged, maybe its just the looking bad that I can't handle. I think I'll try to look good, being kind and likable or something. I guess I haven't learned anything from this reflection that its okay to look bad, but whatever. I do want to be portrayed as someone who is fun to be with and someone who is really nice. So next time you see me, give me a chance. Don't judge me yet, I'm gonna be better.