December 13, 2013

Not this Again T-T


Can I skip the chemistry despite my end goal which is to become a biologist? Can I? Please?

Best to sleep now and study later eh? Apparently I only have two subjects tomorrow. The first at 7 am which I will be late for and may be able to cut. And another at 1pm which lasts until 4pm but should dismiss us a bit earlier. Then an exam at 6pm. So... Computing the time I may spend. 8:30am - 1:00pm break time = 5 and 1/2 hours of study / write notes / do prob set subtract an hour of eating and add 2 hours between 4pm and 6pm for some last minute cramming. I hope I can do it.

The goal is not to pass though... it's higher than that. And to get that goal I should've been preparing for this since the semester started. But I haven't and I feel guilty... but it's not too late. I can get the grade I want with the next two long tests and maybe finals if needed. But I won't let this first one be a waste of time. Still going to strive for excellence. I've got to. I want to. I will.

December 11, 2013

An update after that.

The amount of progress I achieve compared to the amount of time I spent getting the progress is less now than it was between the time I first posted last night and the after hour update. I don't know how I'll remedy this. Then again the previous progress was easy because it was mostly paraphrasing. Now it's time for analysis that I don't want to do. Ahahaha. Because I'm not sure how my professor wants it analyzed. I think I'll be staying up the whole night/morning because I have other stuff to do to. I guess I'll sleep during Physics? or actually every subject today. Sleeping in class is bad and I feel horrible for doing it no matter how refreshed I look / feel after waking up. I'M SORRY PROFS!

An Hour After Update.

Not exactly an hour but I may try the scheduling function. So I have a part of my paper. Probably the smallest part, in terms of points, but it's a start.

Took me almost an hour. Hopefully each section is like this too. Should be done in 3 hours then xD

It might have been the music that has been making me procrastinate. I'm probably not really a multi-tasker. Yeah... Maybe. Further testing needed... but not right now xD.

AND I ACTUALLY HAVE OTHER STUFF TO DO... other requirements other than this report T-T Hoping for the best xD Good luck to me! And to all who have requirements of any kind :3

December 10, 2013

I don't know what I should do.

Actually I know what I should do. But I don't think I want to. Actually I don't want to do it.

I should do this report. But there is nothing hinging on it that makes it important. Hm... A scholarship maybe? I suppose that should be enough. But I think it generally won't affect my scholarship in any way. But it seems my image will be the most important thing this influences.

Not even my grades will be significantly changed by this. I hope at least. But there, yeah... my image. How I look to other people. I want to be the genius slacker. I want to slack. But I want to work. I should work. Plus, it might affect my view for future things I do. This might snowball into something I can't control anymore. So yeah. While I can still control it. I will do this thing. I'll have an update in an hour! :D

Stahp :))

I always find that spelling funny :))

Though seriously! Stahp creativity xD Need logic or at least science-y stuff right now not creative stuff xD I'm willing to sacrifice one report if it helps study up for my lecture exam. IF. I don't think it will. So I won't sacrifice. Also the theme of the next thing I will write will be why the boy does not sleep. Yeah. Excuses story. I like fiction :3

December 09, 2013

Overused Theme.

Back to my old ways T-T

I WANT TO PLAY. ONLY. Any job like that? Oh... become a youtuber? Er... pass xD

I like my lifestyle if I didn't have to do any papers. Just all my school stuff I do at school and at home I can just do whatever. Someday. That will be life. Work at work. Home at home. No work at home. Yeah...