November 14, 2013

Big plans?

Finished Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies a few hours ago and currently reading World War Z. Seems to me like it's both relevant to the current state of the Philippines. PW I guess with the Pork Barrel thing and WWZ with the whole disaster thing. Hoping WWZ sacrifice plans won't succeed while PW bring the justice plot works out.

Don't really know how to explain more because it's almost 1AM and I should not be online T-T. Also, the title is when some kind of aura-reader/psychic/soul-see-er kind of lady told my mom that I had big plans... maybe President of the Philippines? :)) Cancel classes whenever it rains :3


November 10, 2013

Happy KB!

I will leave this note here for my death dream and interesting theory on what happens before.

In other news, Batman game is awesome game. And I still haven't finished Ace Attorney Dual Destinies despite getting over the Pokemon Craze. I just realized my WF schedules are the same as last sem (my classes are even in the same building) except I have Physics in place of last sem's lunch time. My TTh is free-er though with a break right after math, but it's still an 8:30 to night kind of schedule.

I want to buy a ukulele I think. But I will keep it at home and I will hide it from the world and bring it only for special occasions or something. But I will practice. Whee~

For things that are wrong with me... hm... I seem to have gotten fatter? Not too wrong I suppose, my belly has grown though, I think. Though I feel bloated often. Yeah I dunno.

This is just me not having anything interesting/artistic to post. I don't have any love-related issues recently which is fine with me :)) It's like that movie with the writers I guess? I don't have inspiration for creative posts. Is it because of a lack of er... a Person of Interest or maybe it's due to excessive gaming? Don't really think it's because of gaming though. Hm...

I also have to fix something with some friends I think. It's a problem for me because it's a problem between two of my friends. Yeah, that's something to worry about right? Er... well, worrying is bad I guess but I suppose it's the first step to doing something about it. Acknowledging the worry is probably the second. So yeah, will do something about it. I miss them yeah. I miss hanging out with them. With both of them.

//Oh the title is just referencing a High School Running Gag I guess. It's supposedly his birthday everyday :)) Well today's for real. KB!