December 08, 2012

Make a wish!

The funnest time to procrastinate is a week before the deadlines. Hell week here I come.

This Weekend.

Oh hi, yeah, um... do you mind if you take my picture?

Oh sure ahaha. I'm Clara, freshman.

Sam, freshman too.


Haha, thanks. Do you want your picture taken?

That would be great!

Wait how do you...


You press the button in the middle.

Oh... there. Got it. Let me try again.



Wait, sorry it's blurred, I'm a bit shaky.

Here, hold it like this.

Hm... oh that's easier haha.


I'm really not good at this.

Haha, this is alright thanks.

Yeah, thanks again. See you around!

See you!


And he walked away... more of scurried away. It was awkward. More than that, she wasn't his type. She wasn't even a little bit appealing to him. He was just horrible at social interactions. Poor Sam :))

December 05, 2012

Well... This is...

Awkward is when you have to keep talking when you're walking together.
 Awkward is when you don't talk when you walk together.
Awkward is the hello with that kind of smile.
Awkward is when you wave and they don't see.
Awkward is when you can't compliment them.
Awkward is when you can't tell them how happy you are.
Awkward is when the table is for three.
Awkward is when only two people show up.
Awkward is when talk about the same things.
Awkward is when you talk about the same things as if they were new.
Awkward is when you ask about their PE.
Awkward is when you know their next class.
Awkward is when you're friends... close friends?
Awkward is when you spell it wrong for 14 sentences.
Awkward is when you still get it wrong for the 15th.

December 04, 2012

Coin Flip.

There are two sides. One is right. The other... the other right. And that's life. I can't pick a side. I'm just too... I want to be on the good side which is both sides or neither sides or more in one side than the other. That's trichotomy for you, well kinda. I need to make decisions I follow up on. Do you think telling people will help? Or should you just wait them for them to ask?

Flip. Catch. Cover. Leave.

December 02, 2012



Now back to school :))