August 06, 2012

Call me old fashioned but...

I'm not going to have sex until I find the girl I'm marrying, I marry her, get on my honeymoon then that's when I'll have sex. Because I know that it's something special, you know? Something that should be saved for Someone special. I wouldn't mind if she didn't save hers for me, but I would have. Alright, I am saving my virginity.

So I don't really get why this bill is supposed to get passed! Because it'll stop underage sex? What about abstinence, huh? Well some might be curious so we'll teach them how to do it "safely"! Why not teach them not to do it? Isn't prevention easier than cure? Well, just in case they can't stop their hormones we'll teach ... WTH?! WHY ARE YOU TEACHING HORMONAL TEENAGERS HOW TO HAVE SEX?! AREN'T THEIR PARENTS SUPPOSED TO BE DOING THAT? The parents aren't doing it, so someone has to. Also, we want the parents to have sex without creating any more children that will be a burden to them. Wait, what is the point of sex? What's another word for it? Reproduction? So you want to get the pleasure from sex but not the responsibility? Huh? Well do you? Look, we're just showing them other ways to have sex. So it's not like you're dictating what they should do? Right? I mean let's show them a bunch of demographics and then tell them, hey people, there are too many of us! Let's not make more alright? Here we'll show you how! Really? Do you, all of you, want YOUR grade 5 daughters to learn about sex? Grade 5? Well, do you? Hey! that's sexism! What about the sons of the people? See, this bill can stop sexism! WTF?! NO IT CAN'T! AND IT DOESN'T EVEN SAY THAT IN THE BILL! YES, IT DOES! RIGHT here... in this... No, just no. This bill doesn't advocate Gender Equality, it's simply using it as a basis for this bill. We already have a bill for women that says that all genders should be equal. If you're supporting this bill because it's Pro Women then please leave, thank you. Hey this bill is totally Pro Women! Wait, really?! OMG! That's like so good for us Male Population then, right? Because it's Pro Women, it's Pro Gender Equality! Wait... what? Go women so that means go everybody? My Gosh! That's Sexism! Well you know this bill is actually about reproductive health. Yeah, it'll help women that have post abortion problems... Wait, what? What about men with post abortion problems? Men don't have any post ab... So this bill is just about women then, and THEIR problems? Look here, the fact that you're telling people there will be support for those who want to abort their babies, is just like saying, go ahead go abort that thing inside of you! If something happens to you, the government will do something about it anyway!

And about things I'm less sure about, do they always have that clause at the end? If another bill is conflicting with this bill, we'll make amends. Do they show / tell people that something has been amended or changed? I mean what if suddenly, oh come on now, let's make up this rule where everybody who doesn't believe in this go to jail, because you know something's conflicting with the other bill. Wait what? Yes, you heard me right. There was actually that part in the previous version, and there probably still is in that newer version, because you know, THIS IS CONGRESS!

So here's my take on the thing. You might say it's wrong, and I'll probably tell you to tell me your side, and I'll tell YOU that's wrong, and it'll go in an endless cycle, and possibly break our friendship. What I'm saying is that maybe we should talk about it maybe once, at most twice, if you want to that is, then forget about it? Just respect each others opinion and move on with our life (This sounds really hypocritical of me especially because my previous two paragraphs are about me rubbing it in someone's face on how their wrong.) So yeah, sorry in advance? I hope that everybody who has a say in this, reads the whole thing instead of just going on with what everybody else is saying. I'll admit I was biased reading the thing, always looking for flaws in the bill, and who's to say what I read is the most updated version? But I do believe everybody should read this and all the other bills that it's connected with and maybe then we'll all be able to build something up where everybody can be mostly happy.

If you still haven't guessed, I SAY NAY! Because it goes against my belief of: no premarital sex, and contraception. And because it's biased to women. But that last "reason" is for a different time...

This should never have seen the light of day because you know, it's very trending... and I don't like being too mainstream.

(Pardon my laziness to paragraph form each dialogue or to identify which is which, I hope I got my message through though.)