February 21, 2011

How to be a Black Mage.

Chapter 1: Characteristics of a Black Mage

Intro: So I had this friend (I haven't talked about her yet) she told me that when she opened up my blog that she thought it was about being a Black Mage. I told her, that it wasn't like that. It's just titled that way because Black Mages are COOL! She made me think about it and maybe I SHOULD make this a blog about developing myself into a Black Mage (or at least as close enough to a Black Mage in which case I will be able to hadouken my way through life). So I think I'll start now.

Black Mages. Really slow, really low Hp, Defense, and Attack, and incredibly Evil (or maybe not all Black Mages are Evil, just Black Mage EvilWizardington). But with all that negative attributes comes an incredibly awesome trait of Black Mages... MAGIC! Don't believe me or you don't think Magic is awesome? Check out that link ('cause I know you skipped over it thinking it was useless) and read it until the end and click next and you'll see what happens to Mr. Giant. Yeahp.... Pure Awesomeness (No, I won't tell you, just find out for yourself). Oh, sad part is, Black Mage can only do that once everyday (it's explained a few strips after the above comic, btw Black Mage IS his name :))).

Wait, so what? MAGIC IS COOL! In the actual Final Fantasy Games Black Mages have their turns every once in a while ('cause of they're low speed). And yet, when they ARE able to cast their spells, it deals incredible amounts of damage. Yes, I know they have little Hp and Defense, which makes them so vulnerable that one hit from a monster can kill them (maybe semi-high level monsters upwards anyway), and that they're Attack Power is so incredibly small that having them attack would just hit for 1 damage (again, maybe just semi-high level monsters upwards).

But we should all learn from Black Mages and their incredibly defenseless little bodies. We should live life to the fullest and make every moment count. We won't have every opportunity to attack and when even if we are able to start casting we might not actually be able to finish and get that attack through. Despite that, we should try to "try more" and not let one turn pass without doing anything substantial. Let's just give it our best shot and maybe, just maybe, that attack might just hit.

That's probably all for this chapter of "How to be a Black Mage". I hope you have come to learn more about how it is that Black Mages work. I'd love to continue this and I just hope that life will give me more inspiration to write other Chapters.
Also, thanks to Ms. L for the inspiration for this post. I kinda owe her a bit, the conversation I was talking about was from way back and I only posted about this now. This is probably the best time to mention this, although you probably already know. The Black Mage Image in my background is not mine as it belongs to the guy who made the comic, 8-bit Theatre, Brian Clevinger. Thanks to him I have a better appreciation for Black Mages and a Background Image :)).

February 20, 2011

Don't Bother Reading this Post

I haven't been able to post anything for the past few days. It's just that nothing of interest seems to be enough that it deserves a post. This blog is supposed to show a different side of me or to let myself evaluate myself. I haven't had a bad day for a while and so no negative emotions to report. It's been fun these few days, even if I haven't been anywhere noteworthy and haven't done anything. I'd like to feel the good emotions as they come along so I'm sorry if I live in them too long and won't be able to post about it. I don't think this post came out too well because it's not something negative, is there something wrong with that? I think I should avoid posts that talk about posts because I don't think I'm going anywhere with it. Ah well, I suppose I'll just have to see what tomorrow brings. (I reread the whole thing and it looks really stupid. So I changed the title. So sorry to you if you thought this post would be amazing :)))

Nothing Else Follows.