June 28, 2011

A word of advice...

If you wanna be remembered go to war, If you wanna reminisce, make sure you remember the good stuff and the bad stuff. If you can laugh about the bad stuff now, that means you've moved on. If you can't... WELL SUCKS TO BE YOU! you have to strive to change that. Bad memories are funny memories. Some turn into traumas which mean that you haven't moved on. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's soft easy, but well, it's possible. So whatever embarrassing thing you've done already may and probably will haunt you forever, but at least when they're laughing at you, you can join them, and then they'll be laughing with you :D

June 27, 2011

Hm... June comes to an end.

When June ends, I'll only have 9 months left. NINE MONTHS(!) until I graduate, and then I won't be a student of Pisay anymore. I'll see less of my friends. Hm... that's disappointing. I really like my friends, personally, I think I picked them really right these past four years. I wish there was something I could do before this school year ends. But I'm freaking out because this feeling died out (or atleast it should have / I think it did) ages ago. But now, maybe it's just me thinking too hard, but I want to have that one thing, that I've been wanting since I started going to Pisay(?). It's annoying really. Damn the summer, even though it was INCREDIBLY AWESOME. Damn summer camps, even though they were INCREDIBLY AWESOME. Damn friends, even though they are MORE INCREDIBLY AWESOME-ER-EST. Gah... It's so frustrating not knowing what to do. I'm not sure if I should give up. And I don't think I can have it right now. Even if I was eventually free to have it, a minimum of 3 months of preparation. Gah... I hope no one ever finds out what I'm trying to say in this post. But in case you do, please, please, please, don't tell anyone. Ask me if you want, but only me, EVER. This is my first ever "Will Never See the Light of Day." post that will actually be public to you readers. I feel that this is ambiguous enough. Hm... maybe not enough. Gah. Damn summer, and summer camps, and my AWESOME friends. Makes me think.

Am I over thinking this? Should I just be happy with what I have? But, then I'll never find out. There are a lot of things that I've never found out, but I don't want this to be one of these times. Must be free... But I can't. I don't think I'm supposed to be. Nine point something months to go before I'll never find out... the clock is ticking.

Also Damn coincidences. They're lol which shouldn't be included in this post but it is well worth noticing. Damn you coincidence.

(I must get better at writing posts)

June 26, 2011

I Brush My Teeth Naked

As weird as it sounds, yes, I brush my teeth naked. Well not all the times I brush my teeth, usually during at night before going to sleep. You see my basic routine is as follows:

1. Grab towel, head for bathroom
2. Hang towel, take of clothes
3. Go into bathroom, lock door

4. Turn on shower, once wet, turn it off
5. Shampoo hair, then rinse
6. Soap my face and upper body, rinse again
7. Soap lower body, rinse but don't turn off shower
8. Stay under water, turn off shower
9. Flush Toilet
10. Brush my teeth.
11. Grab towel, dry off

I do this routine every night, and during mornings with no school, because I usually have breakfast then shower. When there is school or an event, I skip brushing my teeth and brush my teeth after eating downstairs. So really, I do brush my teeth naked, I don't have to, I just do, but not all the time. It's weird I guess but I'm just really lol because I'm actually posting about it. Now that's weird.
Oh well. I love showers. I love them. More of, I love cold showers. I hate showers with hot water, actually, traumatized of showers with hot water. When I was a kid we were staying some where cold, probably Tagaytay or Bagiuo, and so it was bath time. Yey bath time! I go into the shower and then there are two knobs! TWO KNOBS! HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHICH ONE WOULD GET ME WATER?! So I asked my mom! Yey! There's water! She turns it off and tells me to use the one she had just opened. So I go into shower, still afraid to use the knob, so I call for her again. She opens the knob then BAM! HOT WATER! GAH! HOT WATER! AAAAHHHHH!!! Ok, done emoting. But yeah, ever since then, NO MORE HOT WATER. Before going to sleep, cold shower, preparing for school in the morning, cold shower. Wake up at 5am for Boy Scout, cold shower, shower after getting wet by the cold rain, cold shower!

So why bother posting about these things, they have no meaning to anyone but me. Yeah, well my blog, my posts :)). But seriously, I really thought I had something planned that's why I started typing but oh well. Maybe I'll put in a lesson or two worth learning next post, whenever that may be. Hm... Atleast you'll walk away from this post knowing, I brush my teeth naked (but I don't HAVE to) and I love cold showers (like really love cold showers)!