July 28, 2011

Gotta Make Up My Mind

Today was an iffy day. It wasn't great, it wasn't that bad either. I liked the Math Long Test and PE though. Bio is a given, Fil was weird. Chem was okay, yeah, it was okay. Econ was Mind Rape. English is ENGLISH. EmSys was me just LOL And Physics... ewww...

I don't know what to think anymore. A friend asked how it was, and I answered I don't know... I haven't known for the past week or so. She then asks since when this has been, I reply ever? She asks again, once again, ever? It's been really weird. Or it's been really normal and I'm just trying to make things complicated. A different friends say I should just keep to my safe life, but really where's the fun in that? Seriously though, I really shouldn't be concerned about that, I mention to a friend and he just :)) in reply. I don't mind really... I really don't expect someone to know the answer... And yet... That one talk... That one talk... It was... I sorta...

No Forget it... I have to figure this out on my own... That was just me being melodramatic. I shouldn't even try... *sigh* Yes a big sigh...

I don't think I'll survive with a business of my own... My heart, 'twas not built for that. I don't have the EQ that would help me not give up. I don't even know what to do with my life. I don't know  what specialization I have... Might as well teach then? or teach how to teach? :))

I can't even multitask. It sucks, I swear. But I've realized that concentrating on one will get jobs done faster. Of course time is still an enemy, but one step at time is good progress for me. I just wish I could be efficient and effective... And to be more decisive... Hm... GG I suppose. Good Game. But there's still next Game right?

I'll wait... now is not the time... there will be a lazy time where everything will come into place. But I can't just wait all the time... I have to make things happen... and unhappen. I just hope no one's waiting for this, watching me as I plot. SCREWED.

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