May 31, 2012


Try out the 60 floor dungeon they said. It can be beaten they said.

Well it probably could be, I just really wasn't ready yet. But seriously, these Dungeon games where when you die all your items and money would be lost on the 60th floor where you were OHKO'd by a floating cloud dude, which wasn't even the boss character, even if you had over 3000hp! It sucks...

But then I guess it was all good. Gained like 60levels I think which brought me to around 840 overall level. Still pretty low compared to real grinders but it's an achievement I think.

I don't think I wanna explain the concept of the game I'm talking about because I honestly don't get it myself, just that it's a random generated dungeon crawler with a Nippon Ichi Storyline. Dood! It's engaging enough to keep me playing.

A big baddy Darkdeath Evilman (yes that's the dude's name, pretty fitting coz he looks pretty evil) is trying to take over / destroy the Earth. Trying to stop him are the Super Baby, a yes, you guessed it, a baby with super powers, and the main hero, Absolute Victory Unlosing Ranger! On his way over, the Unlosing Ranger gets run over by a car though (not all super heroes are invincible) so he passes on his belt, which contains the Unlosing Ranger Powers, to a generic bystander, who doesn't talk. By now you should have guessed that's you he gave the powers to, the silent protagonist. So you try to fight Darkdeath Evilman, but since you ARE a newbie, he hits you a few times then you go flying out in to outer space. Conveniently though, there's actually a Hero Training Center, in the middle of Space,  and you land there, where you go into dungeons so you can get stronger. In the dungeons, of Bizzaro Earth, which is supposedly connected to our Earth, you undergo missions to save or inspire people of Bizzaro Earth to save or inspire their counterparts on Earth. That's how it usually goes, then after the dungeon, you try to go back to Earth to try and defeat Darkdeath Evilman, as a "Stronger Hero" but end up getting tossed back to the Training Center.

Sorry for the spoilers, but that's basically the plot of it without the ending or most of the details. It's Nippon Ichi game, and it features Prinnies! You can expect it to be a funny enough game. It's got a pretty cool level and stat system too. I don't like rating stuff because I know I'm pretty biased all the time, but I recommend it for the story and the game mechanics. Go try it out on the Sony PSP!

Z.H.P Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman.

"Absolute Victory Unlosing Ranger used a Super Power.
Absoulte Victory Unleashed the Power of Love!"

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