March 19, 2013

10 Things I Know to be True

1. I have Bio Lec at 7am on Tuesdays.
2. I have Bio Lab at 8:30 on Tuesdays.
3. My bed is a meter behind me as I'm typing this.
4. There are 2 piles of clothes on my bed right now.
5. I have to go to sleep now so I can wake up at 5:45.
6. Tomorrow is my Mom's birthday.
7. The only class I have tomorrow is my 1:15-2:15 Math 100 class.
8. I have to practice a Women's dance on Thursday.
9. I'm going to a friend's "debut" on Saturday.

And ten, I'm unconditionally, and irrevocably... in love with her :))

//Just realized that things I know to be true, may or may not be true,
but at the very least, true to me. I think that's the truth about that

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