October 25, 2018

Thick Skin

First time (and probably last time) to post from mobile. Spell checker makes it so much easier though.

I'm just sick today and I promised mom I wouldn't use my laptop so now I'm here. I didn't want to tweet because I didn't want anyone to worry but I wanted to get things off my chest.

I guess I'm just saying it hurts. Things you say; it's hard to discern intent through text. I'm not a writer so maybe I'm just not good at that.

(I'm really hoping you're not reading this. I love you so much. Please don't think I want to give up on us. I just want to rant without bothering anyone.)

It's kind of difficult for me to say things about this because it's a rather sensitive topic nowadays. People who get depressed are a handful, but I knew that committing to this. I have friends who get depressed and I'm here for them, too. And since depression is a health issue, of course those in better health are supposed to take care of those in need of help. Just like right now, I feel super bad because of my sore throat so my parents, who are healthy, are taking care of me. I just wanna ask the question though, are depressed people accountable for what they say during their depressive episodes? Maybe it's just cause I'm sick right now, but I feel extra bad knowing I can't help you through it right now. It hurts me, but especially now, to read about what you feel. I want you to feel good, to feel better, but you make it sound so hopeless all the time. I don't want to raise this question because it's such a sensitive topic and I don't want you to feel guilty I feel this way. But it's just so hard. Do they need to apologize to people they've hurt during their depressive issues?

Does thick skin help against words you read or only against words you hear?