March 10, 2011

"Welcome, friends! I knew you'd come, so I've been practicing my greeting!"

-Kefka Palazzo, FF: 6

Perhaps I should rephrase that, "Welcome, Mr. 6! ..."

Yes, Mr. 6. My polar opposite. I've declared myself 9 and him my 6! My Polar Opposite, what I am, he is not, what he is, I am not. I don't really want to talk about this too much I just wanted to announce to the world that I have found my Opposite. I suppose we're not the same in some aspects, like the 6 and 9 who both have curves we too have our similarities, like our dislike of a certain Ms. P and our interest in generally the same things. We are different in terms of direction. Like the 9 and 6, sometimes we are facing away (us against each other), like in this sentence, and sometimes facing each other (us agreeing with each other), like in two sentences before this one.

Well what ever the case may be, I can at least say that I have found my 6. I don't care if he doesn't feel the same (that I am his 9, and no, I'm not gay :))), I just want him to know that I am a friend that he count on(lol, that sounded so BRomance-y, eww...), like getting him awkward moments with Ms. H and maybe just about contradicting everything that comes out of his mouth (I'm sure he'll disagree, because you know, we're opposites :D).

Welcome, Mr. 6! I didn't think I'd find you already, so I haven't been able to practice my greeting yet!

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