December 12, 2011

Work Ethics II.

At school someone brought up something like "Not doing anything and passing."
I really don't mind freeloaders, they're really not MY problem. Sure I have to pull more weight, sure I have to twice as much stuff, sure I have to do everything even. But I will have enjoyed the experience and the satisfaction of getting a good grade. Sure they would have gotten a good grade too, but will they have enjoyed the experience of hard work? Of course not! But they would have enjoyed the experience of having me as a group mate. It's all about reputation. It doesn't matter if you do anything or not, it's just supposed to look like you are doing something, and it has to be convincing.

Also, a tip to anyone who wants to be a group mate to any one and every one... Don't use emotional issues as an excuse, it's better to say something like, "Sorry, I have a dentist's appointment", "Sorry, my family and I are going out that afternoon", or even "Sorry, my dog just died I have to go dig up a hole in the backyard". Actually just in general, don't mix personal things with academics. Never ever. Keep them totally separate entities. Doesn't matter if you hate one person's guts, if they're your group mate you'll just have to survive through it.

So what is this post exactly about. I'm not sure either. Or am I? I dunno I just felt like typing stuff down.

Stewardesses <- I typed that with my left hand :D

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