December 11, 2011

Screw This.

Ha! I wish I could go "Screw This" and no that's not what she just said. I can't give up. Not yet, not when I've come so far. It's practically the last sprint to the finish, if I stop running I'll never get there, momentum take me there. But what if YOUR momentum was taken away, just like that? Your driving force, the thing that keeps you going, went, and is now gone. Kinda makes you stop, like literally. You have to start from the beginning working your way up, getting faster, and faster until reach up to speed. But you can't build up slowly you have to build fast.

Acceleration vs Top Speed, which do you need more? The ultimate Racing Game Question. One kart has the best acceleration, but not a very high top speed, while the other is incredibly fast but takes too long to get to that speed. Or one could go for the balanced kart which has average speed and average acceleration. It's so conflicting. If I take time to decide I'd be wasting time.

But I think there is a use for each kart.
If you want to pass, study fast, get your grade.
If you want something high, study long for hours, get your grade.
If you want a compromise, study enough, get your grade.

An increase in studying by 1% might not always mean an increase of 1% in grade but it might be a good measure.

I think I've already picked the fast car except I've hit a speed bump, called Puzzle Pirates (and something else :>), so now I'm slow again and I have to accelerate just to get to my top speed. But I'll get there. I know I can. I WILL get there.

I just wish I had some speed boosters handy. Oh Shiny Item Box where are you? Why can't I have speed boosters?

[Next Time I should pick one game to base my posts on, like this one should be Mario Kart but that's for next time.]

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