June 11, 2012

Welcome to the Truman Show.

With this post I declare my own selfishness. I am self-centered, and this Life is all about me. Welcome to MY World :D

Go Ahead declare this to be your world, I wouldn't mind. Because I know deep inside, I'm destined to do something for MY world. Yeah. Watch me... This is a show I believe.

But since I'm fond of trying (and failing miserably) to uplift others, think of this as your world too so that we'll HAVE to do something for our own worlds, which is just one world thereby making the whole world a better place... One person at a time... Starting with ourselves.

So here's to being self-centered. So here's to being stuck in our own worlds. Here's to making the world a better place. Cheers!

(Also, Damn you and your posts. Damn you!)

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