September 02, 2012


So, it's Sunday... And next to Tuesdays, maybe, it's my least favorite day. I don't like Sundays because they don't start up like any other day, and so they don't play out as other days too. Weekdays, start with waking up early for school, and end with going to sleep after doing / not doing homework. Except Fridays, which end with activity planning for Saturday or Late-night / Early-morning Gaming (rather, Night->Morning Gaming) like Saturday nights. Saturday mornings are usually the same as other Saturday mornings, but Sundays... Sundays are different. Sometimes you don't wake up on Sundays. Sometimes you're still awake and then oh yeah, it's too late / early to sleep now, so it's just Sunday out of nowhere. Unlike Friday nights which go like, "oh no, it's almost 5am, I should sleep...". Wakes up 12nn, it's now Saturday. Saturday nights just go like, "oh look, it's Sunday... ahahahahahahahahaha". Goes to sleep at 12nn, wakes up it's now 6pm, doesn't feel like a day has passed, so groggy and stuff like that.

So yeah the lack of normality maybe, or a rough guideline / schedule could be why I don't like particularly like Sundays. But then, I change what I'm currently into like really fast. Maybe one night, I could be into some RPG, another I could be into chatting. Then the next few hours, I'm into flash games again. Or back to that RPG, then to a different RPG. Or maybe chatting to an RPG. I don't really know... but yeah it's the I don't know what I'm going to do next thing that makes me think, why don't I like Sundays if that's what it's all about. Everything is still variable. Just realized something didn't connect there. Yeah, from my mind to this post, the connection was lost I suppose. But still, Sundays... Why?

Oh yeah, Tuesdays. Yeah... I "don't like" Tuesdays :D

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