June 21, 2013

Freaking Jump-Scare Wall T-T

Organic Chem shall be my wall tonight. I have to overcome it I don't know how. I don't have time. I just need to get by for now and the rest I shall take care of better.

Damn walls. Either I just need to pull a few bricks and it topples over. Or, I need to just jump or go around it. I really need help.

But really I'm pissed. I'm awake half-passed one and it's neither a Sunday nor a holiday tomorrow. I'm just pissed that I didn't realize it was a wall until I ran into it. Pretty far it looked well jump over-able at least. Too high. That I have a sprain so I can't jump over it literally actually. Figuratively, well, I have two breaks tomorrow so I'll see what I can do.

Still ain't gonna lose hope.
//Gonna take a bath now lol (almost 2 am :P) This is not helping my complexion -_-"

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