November 10, 2013

Happy KB!

I will leave this note here for my death dream and interesting theory on what happens before.

In other news, Batman game is awesome game. And I still haven't finished Ace Attorney Dual Destinies despite getting over the Pokemon Craze. I just realized my WF schedules are the same as last sem (my classes are even in the same building) except I have Physics in place of last sem's lunch time. My TTh is free-er though with a break right after math, but it's still an 8:30 to night kind of schedule.

I want to buy a ukulele I think. But I will keep it at home and I will hide it from the world and bring it only for special occasions or something. But I will practice. Whee~

For things that are wrong with me... hm... I seem to have gotten fatter? Not too wrong I suppose, my belly has grown though, I think. Though I feel bloated often. Yeah I dunno.

This is just me not having anything interesting/artistic to post. I don't have any love-related issues recently which is fine with me :)) It's like that movie with the writers I guess? I don't have inspiration for creative posts. Is it because of a lack of er... a Person of Interest or maybe it's due to excessive gaming? Don't really think it's because of gaming though. Hm...

I also have to fix something with some friends I think. It's a problem for me because it's a problem between two of my friends. Yeah, that's something to worry about right? Er... well, worrying is bad I guess but I suppose it's the first step to doing something about it. Acknowledging the worry is probably the second. So yeah, will do something about it. I miss them yeah. I miss hanging out with them. With both of them.

//Oh the title is just referencing a High School Running Gag I guess. It's supposedly his birthday everyday :)) Well today's for real. KB!

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