February 01, 2011

Osu made me post this.

I think I really like music. It doesn't matter what kind, if you can nod your head to the beat that's music. From old music, to new music, to raindrops, to keyboard key smashing, it's all so fun to hear. I guess they're not really all music, so I guess just sounds in general.

At night, I'm constantly thinking and reflecting and I hear different sounds during the night. Dogs barking, neighbors shouting, and cars passing by. And when there's a clock in the room, the "tick-tock"  of the clock is like my lullaby. At school, you hear all sorts of conversations. Sometimes about, Math Homework or Chem Long Tests, this someone and that someone, and unintelligible chatter. During class hours, besides hearing the teachers talking, you hear footsteps outside the classroom, the cheering or booing of the class next door, the secret conversations in the classrooms. Clock sounds are cool and so are footsteps. The sound of breathing is also relaxing.

In music, I don't really know what type I like. As long as it has a good beat it's probably music. I don't mind listening to different kinds of music. I do wish though, that I could have a record of each and every song lyric so I can sing along anytime. I know a lot of music but I don't bother learning who the artist is, or what the actual lyrics are, or even the title. I'm fond of the songs I grew up on like "Build me up Buttercup", songs by The Corrs, The Carpenters, Boy Band songs :)), Britney Spears, Spice Girls, Michael Jackson, there are a lot more :)). I also like the new ones, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, the new bands, and songs I don't know the titles to. By extension, I like rhythm games because of the new music I learn or old ones that I reminisce of. Elite Beat Agents, Guitar Hero, Rockband, and Osu come to mind.

Games also give cool background music. Music from the Pokemon, Phoenix Wright, and Professor Layton games are quite awesome. Final Fantasy Themes should also be noted. I love games, maybe I'll post about them tomorrow. But I play so many, maybe I should post about a game once in awhile. That might make me get better at making reviews (I've never tried much though) and Essay writing in general. Sounds like good practice.

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