July 10, 2012

So... you're asking for something not so not relatable?

I think I confused myself...

Because I cannot think of a long post today I will just have to do my normal thing... Confuse you by confusing myself with things I will not remember in the following days because I will have been trying to do that while I am typing that out, in the end confusing no one but myself and everybody else...

Just, um, Thank you. Thanks for the wonderful day. It didn't seem extraordinary and might have been infact extraordinarily normal, but still thank you. I think I like things this way. Life is good as it is. Life is fun. Life is nice.

Makes me think though... Some days ago I saw a post talking about contentment. Are we really happy with what life gives us? Is it like take everything life gives us, make something of it and be happy? I don't think I've made something of my life yet, and I'm happy somehow. But isn't happiness an emotion? Don't emotions pass? Am I really just content with what I have or is it because I don't know there's something more for me and I'm alive and alright so I don't really strive for something better? Should we be content or should we strive? Should we be content in striving for something better or should be content when we've gotten what we worked for? Is there something more than that? and so on...

This looks like an emo post to me, but I think that I'm thinking. It's for me to think of my life at the moment and see what I can do to make it more than my life now. Or is it for me to think that my life is perfect and I should be happy that I got this far and have what I have?

What if you had to risk what you already had just to have a chance at something better? No guarantees you'll get something better, but it guarantees you'll lose what you already have. Maybe it's contentment that keeps us from moving forward. Maybe it's the risk of losing that keeps us from moving forward. Maybe it's the fear of the unknown that keeps us from moving forward.

And I now don't know how to end this thing. If you went into my brain this might be what it would feel like. One thought to another connected by just a thread, barely even counts as a connection. Trees to bees, to birds and back to bees. I don't know anymore. I think I do need something sad or something angry to post about. I'm just happy right now, alright? Bare with me. If you're still reading this I commend you. Me: I commend you. Or something. That wasn't funny at all.

Maybe I'll be gone soon. Maybe you should check my older post titles. Maybe it has something to do with the bathroom. and maybe I'm not forever

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