February 17, 2011

Frisbee: Leg meet Mr. Cramp.

This one is for a friend.

Cramps. You get them from playing frisbee, from swimming, and other sports. It hurts during the moment it strikes and you just have to fall down especially if the cramp is at the foot or on your leg. So, you sit there for a few minutes, motionless, 'cause if you move it hurts a bit. Then you think, "Maybe, it's gone by now?". Then you stand up, and it hurts again. But you try and look strong and you stand up anyway, trying to hide the pain. You walk carefully, step after step, each step hurt after hurt. And you get to your destination. You sit for awhile. You think it got better. You get your bag and start walking. It still hurts and then there's the extra weight. You go down a set of stairs. "Oh wow," you think, "It's gone. Cool." Then you get to the ground floor. You realize you wanted to go back up. "OW! Ow. Ow...", yes, it was never gone. You get to the top floor and you lie down on your bed. You massage the part where it hurts to ease the pain. You get someone to massage it for you and they tell you, "Don't take a bath, you'll get cold". You agree without thinking, "But I just came from a sport and I want to take a bath." You realize this in the middle of the night and start walking to the bathroom. You shower and it feels so good, the pain is relieved. You go to sleep.

The next morning, you wake up. "OW! It's back." And it feels even worse. You can't get up, you can't get to school. You stay a whole day in bed not even allowed to play anything. You waste one day of your life for cramps.This happens for a few more days, you trying to recover. And one day you wake up. "Wow. I feel better. I feel refreshed." You feel free of the pain that cramps bring.

(Here it comes the conclusion you probably already realized was coming)
Cramps is like love you know? (Haha, yes it all boils down to this.) It kinda reminds you it's there all the time. Every time you try to forget, BOOM, there it is again saying, "Hey! I'm here. Just for forgetting, I'll hurt you some." And you do something stupid (for love, you know) and it's even worse now (like taking that shower 'cause you really had to). But thing is, cramps are temporary, and so is love (bitter of me? Maybe.) Maybe, just bad love (or seemingly good love that's actually bad) is temporary. The point is, love is an emotion, it's temporary. Like happiness, sadness, anger, or guilt. It'll be gone soon. So don't worry about it too much. You don't need to fuss over it much, it's either it'll be there or it won't.

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