August 12, 2012


There was this guy, his name was Hero. He was walking through the woods looking for adventures. He wanted to be exactly as his name implies, a Hero. So he's walking and walking, and thinking, and thinking. "I hope there's like a giant who's trying to eat up a princess or something then maybe I can go and save her." While he's thinking that, conveniently, there's a giant you know trying to eat a princess up. So he thinks to himself, "here's my chance... wait but what if I get eaten by the giant when I save the princess?" Then at that moment the Giant swallows the princess up whole. "Well, S***. I can't really help her now can I" Hero thinks to himself, so he walks into the woods some more. So he's walking and walking, and thinking, and thinking."I hope there's like a giant who's trying to eat up a princess or something then maybe I can go and try to save her and not get eaten in the process" And conveniently, there's a different giant trying to eat a different princess. "I should probably try to save her now. Hm... what's my battle strategy? Do I use my sword or my boomerang? Or maybe I should use arrows, or bombs, or arrow-bombs?" And at that moment the second Giant dropped the second princess into his mouth and well you know Hero was all, "Well S***." So he starts to walk away from the second crime scene just as he did the first time around. So he's walking and walking, and thinking, and thinking."I hope there's like a giant who's trying to eat up a princess or something then maybe I can go decide what I want to do immediately and try to save her and not get eaten in the process." And yet again, conveniently, or maybe you know it hasn't been convenient for the Hero, maybe just for us, the storyteller and the story readers, there's a something! So Hero thinks of what he should do, and what weapon he should use, and then he goes and tries to be the Hero. So he brings out a rose and goes up to the princess and says "Hi there." And the princess who's actually the first giant, who looked like a princess because he gobbled up the first princess, proceeds to turn back into a giant and eats Hero in a span of around 3 seconds.

So the moral of this story? I have no idea really, it just seemed nice to create some fiction up on the spot. Yes, this is NOT a true story. Thanks for reading.
Thinking about it... I think I should've added more journey and a journey back... this probably just counts as a short story and not at all an epic, but whatever.

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