October 07, 2012

Hell Week.

Honestly I don't feel Hell Week coming, even in high school. But I feel its effects when it's time but it's only hell if you cram or if you didn't cram before hell week. This one feels light though... 4 exams, 1 paper (maybe 2 or 3 actually) in a span of 3 days but that's it. I kinda miss high school with our 2 day exams and 1 week due projects because I like being online talking to people and they're usually more online, though probably should not be bothered, during hell week.

But seriously, why does it become a hell week when teachers make the deadline on finals week yet announced it at least 3 weeks before? I guess for me it's the, "I have something to do now, maybe later I won't have something to do." But isn't this supposed to be something to do and even if we let it be for tomorrow me to do, it'll still be something to do?

I think I'm confused again. Someone should really stop me from over-thinking and procrastinating. But I find my confusing rants to be confusingly funny (?[if there were such a statement that was as confusingly funny or as funnily confusing as this]) Seriously, I should stop that.

Well, I'll be waiting for that someone...

Wait... what? So from a rant about hell week I turned this post into a post about finding that someone... Nice one, good work Mr. Segue.

Well I should probably sleep now, it's probably just the sleep talking (or is it?! [IS IT?! *dundundun* {Seriously... IS IT?!}])

Will wait for you, and will procrastinate until then... Or will procrastinate until tomorrow morning. Yeah maybe tomorrow morning is better. Good night, good luck, have fun.

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