February 07, 2011

Why not?

I could name a lot of reasons to not. I could, I would, but I won't. It makes you think, "Why ask yourself this when you can ask yourself 'Why'?". Reasons are just excuses to get out of doing something. When you don't like something you have a billion reasons not to. When you like something you only need one reason to, and you will.

Friends of mine that are reading this will know what I'm talking about. I don't want to, not because I have a reason not to, or that I don't have a reason to (I have both reasons), it's just because I simply don't want to (Yeah sorry... I just can't.). I think that's how you're supposed to say no to doing something. No excuses, no "oh, I can't because dot dot dot". Because when you give excuses, the people who are trying to convince you will give counter arguments. If you say just "No", they'll probably reply "Why not?", then you can just say "No" again. And keep "No-ing" and they'll eventually go away. It might seem stupid or rude but that's just how it is...

I guess the point of all this is that today, I learned that when I say "No" and give some reasons why, I'm actually saying, please convince me to say Yes. But when I say "No" and just 'No' I MEAN 'NO', clear?

Why I'm blogging this though? I don't know... I felt like it. I couldn't say No to the urge to post something. Plus Saying / Typing No is fun! (It's way shorter to type than Yes, so NO! :D)

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