February 11, 2011


So many things I want to post but I don't want to in my current state of mind, or at least that's my cover up for the actual reason, 'not right now'. I don't know which ones to post first and if ever to post them. I don't know how to start on them, but I have all the middle parts ready, but no intro (and no title). I usually end my posts on the spot but I still can't start because I have no start. I tried starting a few times but it usually ends up as, hold Backspace, Tab, Tab, Tab, Ctrl+A,Del.

I really wish I could just record all my thoughts. I'd post what I want you to read. But I don't think thoughts are like files on a computer like a .txt file that you can just read and edit anywhere. Maybe it's stored multiple times but each copy is copied from the previous like when you use paint to edit .jpg and you save it then it becomes blurry. You copy that pic and save it in another file it becomes blurrier and so on. Sometimes you're lucky and you get the copy of that thought but like the .jpg file it's the blurry copy and never the original awesome one.

As I was trying to finish this post I realized I didn't  plan to do a post like this yet here it is, complete with a title and everything. Maybe, I don't need to think ahead of time on what to post, just post what I feel like right now, right there and then. Hope to get a good topic next post.

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